Tips to Keep You Focused While Taking an Online Course
When you decide to take on an online class, it’s because you see the value of the class being offered….
How to Increase Your Productivity
I’m sure you would want to increase your productivity. Productivity is a measure of how efficiently a person completes a…
Demystifying Success
What is success? or how does one become successful? Many young people are frustrated because they want instant success. Ooops…
Learning How to Wait
How to Wait Through Life I have had to learn how to wait in life. I must admit of scenarios…
Qualities of an Outstanding Leader
Leadership is rewarding; unfortunately, not everyone can become a leader. It takes extraordinary self-will and discipline to become one. It’s…
Unlock the Power of Your Mind
Your mind is a powerful tool the size of a cauliflower yet it has billions nerve cells or neurons. Like…
How To Stay Motivated 24/7
Ever heard of garbage in, garbage out? What you feed your eyes, ears, and mind is what you project to…
Habits To Incorporate In Your Daily Routine
“If you believe you can change – if you make it a habit – the change becomes real.”― Charles Duhigg…
How to keep up your Good Habits
Gandhi once said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions…
13 Activities to Engage Your Child During the Long Holidays
“Every child needs to have physical activity and cognitively stimulating tasks every day.” -Gayathri Psychologist Children are precious gifts from…
How To Change Your Inner Self-Talk
How To Change Your Inner Self-Talk What is your inner self-talk like? What do you tell yourself? Do you know…