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Many young people are frustrated by life because they want instant success. 

Ooops I said it! 


Truth be told. It’s cliche to say good things come to those who wait. This generation wants the now.

However, some laws and principles govern life. You see the Law of gravity is that whatever you throw up comes down. The same applies to how you earn mastery and ultimately success in any field.

Many want to be successful but, when you stop to interrogate what they dim as success. it’s purely material things. Nothing wrong with that, but you need a broader perspective on success.

For example, you spend on average 12 to 20 years acquiring education. To gain entry to the job market.

What makes you think you will become the CEO of a blue-chip company in 2 years?

If you are honest enough unless you win a lottery then, you need another 5 to 10 years to make a name for yourself. Or gain mastery of your skills, gifts, and talents. We have very few exemptional cases.

For Example, to be a top athlete you need razor-sharp focus, discipline, time, and dedication. 

Do you want great success? 

To whom much is given, much is required. Not everyone can become wealthy. Wealth, resources are consummate to the responsibilities, calling, and vision that you carry. Look around, most people who have great wealth, also have even greater responsibilities. 

If you don’t have a purpose for which you live then you are wasting energy. You need a course to live for.

How then do people succeed in life? 

Here is how to become a success in whatever you do.

Get something you love to do

You must love your work, passion will drive you to not give up as you build your brand or business. At times people work to place a meal on the table. But for success, you have to be willing to put in work with or without tangible results.

People often belittle what they love doing. Instead, they opt for things that are perceived as better compared to their passion.

For example, you love baking and you bake effortlessly, people compliment your skills. This is a gift that if honed will grow and open many doors for you.

The bible speaks of a master giving talents According to the abilities. One servant received five talents, the second got two talents, and the third got only one. 

Upon return, He asked for returns according to one’s ability and capacity to multiply. The one who multiplied was given more and the one who didn’t use their gifts what they had was taken from them.

Do you want to succeed? Use the little that you have and more will be added unto you.

Hone your skills

That which you find with you hand to do, do it with all your might. If you are a lawyer become the best Lawyer you can be. Read books, watch and listen to cases that were executed excellently. Practice and practice until you become better as time goes on.

Join webinars and pieces of training that will help your skills. Offer your skill in pro bona work to build on your skill and experience.

At times people take on low paying jobs just to hone their skills because as you continue 

Purpose gets provision

Become great and gain mastery and soon your skills and passion will bring you before great men. This is where provision lies.

Only a small percentage of people get to this level because many don’t pursue purpose.

Some great men who achieved this level. For Example, writer Maya Angelo was a civil rights activist, poet, and writer. She authored many books and whose mastery go her before great men. 

Mr. Mully of Muli Children’s home started by housing street children in his home. this turned into him educating the homeless. To date, many have gone to school because of his actions. He found purpose and that’s where provision comes in. 

Teresa Njoroge is another great example of the following purpose. Her touching story of being wrongfully convicted, staying in jail for a year with her small baby. Her journey could have ended in misery but she made lemonade out of the lemons that life dealt her. 

Today, she’s helping women who have been are behind bars to reintegrate back into society. She’s offering them dignity through providing basic sanitary to women with their children. She Founded Clean start is an organization changing the destinies of many.

Serve others, Be diligent, Pay Forward

Your life exists to serve others. Jesus Christ existed to die on the cross for our sins. Moses’s purpose was to take the Israelites from Egypt to Canan. 

Why are you here on earth today? Your purpose is unique, and only you can discover it and fulfill it. 

Life often brings setbacks but there is always the big picture. Don’t lose focus on why you exist. Serve the people who God brings your way diligently. Practice patience, show love, be kind, be gentle, and show self-control with others.

Don’t forget to pay it forward, hold someone’s hand. Mentor people in your area of expertise, and help them stand. You grow by lighting another candle.

Many times success isn’t what it seems. Your success should be pegged on why you are here. It’s above driving the latest sports car or vacationing in the best islands globally. 

Success is what you live in the lives of the people you meet as you go through life.