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Gandhi once said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”

We are all creatures of habit.

Good or bad you have specific routines you repeat on a daily basis. And whatever is repeated eventually sticks.

What are the good habits?

A good habit is one that makes you a better person over time. I say over time because at times we don’t see the results of our habits instantaneously. For example, if your goal is to stay healthy by going to the gym 3 times a week. You don’t see the result in the first week or even the first month.

But, with the time you will notice your skin looking better or your cloths sagging and alas! You realize that your good habit is paying off.

Many people get discouraged because of the instant gratification mentality. This explains why many people quit pursuing good habits that are so rewarding.

Well, then what are some good habits you can adapt in 2020?

When picking up a habit the goal is to improve yourself. Nurturing your mind, body, and soul. Having a balanced life that is enjoyable.

Here is a list of good habits you can adapt

Waking up early


Reading your bible 



Eating a balanced diet

Drinking enough water

Keeping a journal

Having a daily to-do list 

Having family time

Practicing gratitude

Giving  to the less privileged

Mentoring younger people in your field

Volunteering your time for a worthy course

How to keep your good habits in 2019?

We all desire the best in life, and good habits guarantee that. Yet, very few people are successful and fewer have the discipline to keep up with good habits.

The first step is to know that you need to be patient as you acquire new good habits. Small changes seem to make no difference until you reach a certain milestone.

For example, when you set on a journey to a specific destination. You start driving towards the destination. But you don’t stop until you reach the destination. True?

Well, your pursuit of better habits is like traveling and you need to be patient to get there.

Secondly, as you move to have your habits on autopilot make sure you celebrate the milestones. Small wins eventually become big wins. For example, if you can run for 5 kilometers and your goal is to do a marathon. Celebrate the small win that is 5 kilometers.

Many focus on the end, only to get there having not enjoyed the little moments.

James the author of atomic habits in his book writes on the 4 Laws of habit change. 

When trying to acquire good habits you must, therefore aim to;

Make it obvious

Make it attractive

Make it easy

Make it satisfying

Making good habits obvious means that you should adopt the habit to the point that it becomes part of you. A second nature.

We don’t count heartbeats, do we? It’s in our subconscious it happens even while we are sleeping. 

The next step to making your habits obvious is writing your intention down on paper. Let’s call your written intention a to-do list.

A to-do list is a powerful commitment, to begin with. For example, I will start exercising. This is a commitment already, but very vague. many write their to-do list like that and that’s why many fail.

If you add the element of location and time then it increases your chances of you actually doing it.

When you add location and time your commitment becomes. I will visit the gym at 7:00 am each morning.

Notice that your to-do list is more specific now due to time and location cue. This way, you will ensure you wake up early enough to be at the gym at the specified time each morning.

This explains why the government gives deadlines for filing returns. The deadline helps government agencies meet the goal of having all the returns in by a specific time.

The more specific your plan is of when and where the more likely you are to see your goal through.

Many of us list our goals down but fail to be clear. Lack of clarity sets you up for failure.

So, next time you are setting up your goals make sure you are specific and clear on when and where.

Let’s revisit the example I shared earlier. This time making sure the implementation intention is specific. I will visit the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7:00 in the morning each week.

A study was done on three study groups given the same task established that. The group that indicated the time and location had the highest success rate.

Over 90% of the group whose implementation intent was clear achieved their goal.

“A man who can’t bear to share his habits is a man who needs to quit them.-Steve King

Don’t just write goals down, allow yourself to succeed by indicating the time and location. This will help you have each day’s schedule and focus on improving your life. 

The best thing with implementation intentions you don’t have time to waste. You know where to be at any given time of the day.

Enjoy your 2020 as you make your good habits stick!

Read on 7 Good Habits that Will Transform Your Life

Read on 6 Morning Routines that Guarantees Success